Source code for BigDFT.BZ

#This module needs: numpy, matplotlib, scipy, ase, spglib 
import numpy
from futile.Utils import write as safe_print

[docs]def get_ev(ev,keys=None,ikpt=1): """Get the correct list of the energies for this eigenvalue.""" res=False if keys is None: ener=ev.get('e') spin=ev.get('s') kpt=ev.get('k') if not kpt and ikpt==1: kpt=True elif kpt and kpt != ikpt: kpt=False if ener and (spin==1 or not spin): if kpt: res=[ener] elif ener and spin==-1: if kpt: res=[None,ener] else: for k in keys: if k in ev: res=ev[k] if type(res) != type([]): res=[res] break return res
[docs]def astruct_to_cell(astruct): """ Convert the astruct information as parsed from the module Logfiles into the cell structure as needed from spglib """ import spglib,numpy celltmp=[ a if a!=float('inf') else 1.0 for a in astruct['cell']] lattice=numpy.diag(celltmp) pos=[ [ a/b if b!=float('inf') else 0.0 for a,b in zip(at.values()[0], celltmp)]for at in astruct['positions']] atoms=[ at.keys()[0] for at in astruct['positions']] ianames,iatype=numpy.unique(atoms,return_inverse=True) return (lattice,pos,iatype)
[docs]class BandArray(numpy.ndarray): """Defines the array of data for one band. It is a dictionary which contains a numpy array for both spin channels.""" def __new__(cls,*args,**kwargs): #logdata,ikpt=0,kpt=(0.0,0.0,0.0): "Takes the data from the logfile and convert it" datain=kwargs.get("data", None) if datain is not None: evs=datain shape0=len(evs) norbs=(map(len,evs)) if len(norbs)==1: norbs=[norbs[0],0] else: evs=[[],[]] logdata=kwargs.get("logdata", args[0]) ikpt=kwargs.get("ikpt", 1 if len(args) < 2 else args[1]) # Ugly patch to detect proper k point in Davidson... prev_vrt = True cur_ikpt = 0 # End of ugly patch for ev in logdata: occ=get_ev(ev,['e_occ','e_occupied'],ikpt=ikpt) vrt=get_ev(ev,['e_vrt','e_virt'],ikpt=ikpt) eigen=occ or vrt # Ugly patch to detect proper k point in Davidson... if occ and prev_vrt: cur_ikpt += 1 prev_vrt = vrt if eigen and cur_ikpt != ikpt: continue # End of ugly patch if not eigen: eigen=get_ev(ev,ikpt=ikpt) if not eigen: continue for i,e in enumerate(eigen): if e: evs[i].append(e) shape0=2 if len(evs[1])>0 else 1 norbs=(map(len,evs)) data=numpy.ndarray.__new__(cls,shape=(shape0, max(norbs)), dtype=numpy.float) data.fill(numpy.nan) data[0,:len(evs[0])]=evs[0] if norbs[1]>0: data[1,:len(evs[1])]=evs[1] #(map(len,evs)) return data def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): ikpt=kwargs.get("ikpt", 1 if len(args) < 2 else args[1]) kpt=kwargs.get("kpt", (0.,0.,0.) if len(args) < 3 else args[2]) kwgt=kwargs.get('kwgt',1.0) self.set_kpt(ikpt,kpt,kwgt)
[docs] def set_kpt(self,ikpt,kpt,kwgt=1.0): if not isinstance(ikpt, int ): raise TypeError('ikpt should be a integer') if len(kpt) !=3: raise TypeError('kpt should be a object of len 3') self.ikpt=ikpt self.kpt=kpt self.kwgt=kwgt
def __add__(self,b): if hasattr(b,'kpt') and (b.kpt != self.kpt): raise ValueError('cannot sum BandArray with different kpoints') if hasattr(b,'kwgt') and (b.kwgt != self.kwgt): raise ValueError('cannot sum BandArray with different kweights') c=super(type(self),self).__add__(b) return BandArray(data=c,ikpt=self.ikpt,kpt=self.kpt,kwgt=self.kwgt)
[docs]class BZPath(): """Defines a set of points which are associated to a path in the reduced Brillouin Zone.""" def __init__(self,lattice,path,special_points,npts=50): import ase.dft.kpoints as ase self.special_points=special_points path_tmp=[] self.symbols=[] #construct the path for p in path: if isinstance(p,str): #then this is a special point path_tmp.append(self.special_points[p]) self.symbols.append(p.replace('G', '$\Gamma$')) else: path_tmp.append(p.values()[0]) self.symbols.append(p.keys()[0]) self.path,self.xaxis,self.xlabel=ase.get_bandpath(path_tmp,lattice,npts)
[docs]class BrillouinZone(): def __init__(self,astruct,mesh,evals,fermi_energy): import spglib,numpy cell=astruct_to_cell(astruct) self.lattice=cell[0] #celltmp=[ a if a!=float('inf') else 1.0 for a in astruct['cell']] #self.lattice=numpy.diag(celltmp) #print 'lattice',self.lattice #pos=[ [ a/b if b!=float('inf') else 0.0 for a,b in zip(at.values()[0], celltmp)]for at in astruct['positions']] #atoms=[ at.keys()[0] for at in astruct['positions']] #ianames,iatype=numpy.unique(atoms,return_inverse=True) #[1,]*4+[2,]*4 #we should write a function for the iatype #print 'iatype', iatype #cell=(self.lattice,pos,iatype) safe_print('spacegroup',spglib.get_spacegroup(cell, symprec=1e-5)) #then define the pathes and special points import ase.dft.kpoints as ase #we should adapt the 'cubic' cell_tmp=astruct['cell'] #print 'cell',cell_tmp,numpy.allclose(cell_tmp,[cell_tmp[0],]*len(cell_tmp)) if numpy.allclose(cell_tmp,[cell_tmp[0],]*len(cell_tmp)): lattice_string='cubic' else: lattice_string='orthorhombic' safe_print('Lattice found:',lattice_string) self.special_points=ase.get_special_points(lattice_string, self.lattice, eps=0.0001) self.special_paths=ase.parse_path_string(ase.special_paths[lattice_string]) self.fermi_energy=fermi_energy #dataset = spglib.get_symmetry_dataset(cell, symprec=1e-3) #print dataset #the shift has also to be put if present mapping, grid = spglib.get_ir_reciprocal_mesh(mesh, cell, is_shift=[0, 0, 0]) lookup=[] for ikpt in numpy.unique(mapping): ltmp=[] for ind, (m, g) in enumerate(zip(mapping, grid)): if m==ikpt: ltmp.append((g,ind)) lookup.append(ltmp) safe_print('irreductible k-points',len(lookup)) #print 'mapping',mapping #print 'grid',len(grid),numpy.max(grid) coords=numpy.array(grid, dtype = numpy.float)/mesh #print 'coords',coords #print 'shape',coords.shape #print grid #[ x+mesh[0]*y+mesh[0]*mesh[1]*z for x,y,z in grid] #brillouin zone kp=numpy.array([ k.kpt for k in evals]) ourkpt=numpy.rint(kp*(numpy.array(mesh))).astype(int) #print ourkpt bz=numpy.ndarray((coords.shape[0],evals[0].size),dtype=float) #print bz shift=(numpy.array(mesh)-1)/2 #print 'shift',shift for ik in lookup: irrk=None for orbs,bzk in zip(evals,ourkpt): for (kt,ind) in ik: if (bzk==kt).all(): irrk=orbs #print 'hello',orbs.kpt,kt break if irrk is not None: break if irrk is None: safe_print( 'error in ik',ik) safe_print( 'our',ourkpt) safe_print( 'spglib',grid) safe_print( 'mapping',mapping) for (kt,ind) in ik: #r=kt+shift #ind=numpy.argwhere([(g==kt).all() for g in grid]) #print 'ik',kt,r,ind #print irrk.shape, bz.shape #bz[r[0],r[1],r[2],:]=irrk.reshape(irrk.size) bz[ind,:]=irrk.reshape(irrk.size) #duplicate coordinates for the interpolation bztmp=bz#.reshape((mesh[0]*mesh[1]*mesh[2], -1)) #print bztmp ndup=7 duplicates=[[-1,0,0],[1,0,0],[0,-1,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,-1],[0,0,1]] bztot=numpy.ndarray((ndup,bztmp.shape[0],bztmp.shape[1])) bztot[0,:,:]=bztmp ctot=numpy.ndarray((ndup,coords.shape[0],coords.shape[1])) ctot[0,:,:]=coords for i,sh in enumerate(duplicates): bztot[i+1,:,:]=bztmp ctot[i+1,:,:]=coords+sh #print 'coors',coords,coords+[1.0,0,0] bztot=bztot.reshape((ndup*bztmp.shape[0], -1)) ctot=ctot.reshape((ndup*coords.shape[0], -1)) import scipy.interpolate.interpnd as interpnd self.interpolator=interpnd.LinearNDInterpolator(ctot,bztot) #sanity check of the interpolation sanity=0.0 for kpt in evals: diff=numpy.ravel(numpy.ravel(kpt)-numpy.ravel(self.interpolator([ kpt.kpt]))) sanity=max(sanity,,diff)) print('Interpolation bias',sanity)
[docs] def plot(self,path=None,npts=50): if path is None: #ppath=BZPath(self.lattice,self.special_paths[0]+['G',],self.special_points,npts) ppath=BZPath(self.lattice,self.special_paths[0],self.special_points,npts) else: ppath=path toto=self.interpolator(ppath.path) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #print toto.min(),toto.max() for b in toto.transpose(): plt.plot(ppath.xaxis, b)#, 'b-') plt.axhline(self.fermi_energy,color='k',linestyle='--') for p in ppath.xlabel: plt.axvline(p,color='k',linestyle='-') plt.xticks(ppath.xlabel,ppath.symbols)