Source code for BigDFT.DoS

This module is used to display the Density of States (DoS).

import numpy
from futile.Utils import write as safe_print


[docs]class DiracSuperposition(): """ Defines as superposition of Dirac deltas which can be used to plot the density of states """ def __init__(self,dos,wgts=[1.0]): """ Parameters: dos: array containing the density of states per eack k-point. Should be of shape 2 wgts: contains the weights of each of the k-points """ import numpy as np self.dos=dos if type(wgts)==type(1.0): self.norm=[wgts] else: self.norm=wgts #set range for this distribution e_min=1.e100 e_max=-1.e100 ddos=np.ravel(dos) if len(ddos)> 0: e_min = min(e_min,np.min(ddos) - 0.05*(np.max(ddos) - np.min(ddos))) e_max = max(e_max,np.max(ddos) + 0.05*(np.max(ddos) - np.min(ddos))) self.xlim=(e_min,e_max)
[docs] def curve(self,xs,sigma,wgts=None): import numpy as np dos_g=0.0 idos=0 for norm,dos in zip(self.norm,self.dos): if wgts is not None: norms=wgts[idos]*norm idos+=1 else: norms=np.ones(len(dos))*norm kptcurve=self.peaks(xs,dos,norms,sigma) dos_g+=kptcurve return xs,dos_g
[docs] def peak(self,omega,e,sigma): """ Define if a peak is a Gaussian or a Lorenzian (temporarily only the gaussian is defined) """ import numpy as np nfac=np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi) val=np.exp( - (omega - e)**2 / (2.0 * sigma**2))/(nfac*sigma) return val
[docs] def peaks(self,xs,dos,norms,sigma): """ Return the array of the whole set of peaks """ import numpy as np curve=0.0 for e,nrm in zip(dos,norms): curve+=self.peak(xs,e,sigma)*nrm return curve
def _bandarray_to_data(jspin,bandarrays): lbl= 'up' if jspin==0 else 'dw' kptlists=[[],[]] for orbs in bandarrays: for ispin,norbs in enumerate( if norbs==0 or ispin !=jspin: continue #energy values kptlists[0].append(orbs[ispin,:norbs]) #normalization kptlists[1].append(orbs.kwgt*(1.0-2*ispin)) #print 'kpt',kptlists return kptlists,lbl
[docs]class DoS(): """ Definition of the density of state class """ def __init__(self,bandarrays=None,energies=None,evals=None,units='eV',label='1',sigma=0.2/AU_eV, npts=2500,fermi_level=None,norm=1.0,sdos=None): "Extract a quantity which is associated to the DoS, that can be plotted" import numpy as np self.ens=[] self.labels=[] #self.norms=[] self.npts=npts if bandarrays is not None: self.append_from_bandarray(bandarrays,label) if evals is not None: self.append_from_dict(evals,label) if energies is not None: self.append(np.array([energies]),label=label,units=units, norm=(np.array([norm]) if type(norm)==type(1.0) else norm)) self.sigma=self.conversion_factor(units)*sigma self.fermi_level(fermi_level,units=units) if sdos is not None: self._embed_sdos(sdos) def _embed_sdos(self,sdos): import numpy as np self.sdos=[] for i,xdos in enumerate(sdos): self.sdos.append({'coord':xdos['coord']}) jdos=0 for subspin in xdos['dos']: if len(subspin[0])==0: continue d={'doslist':subspin} try: self.ens[jdos]['sdos'].append(d) except: self.ens[jdos]['sdos']=[d] jdos+=1
[docs] def append_from_bandarray(self,bandarrays,label): """ Add a new band array to the previous DoS. Important for kpoints DOS """ import numpy as np for jspin in range(2): kptlists,lbl=_bandarray_to_data(jspin,bandarrays) self.append(np.array(kptlists[0]),label=label+lbl,units='AU', norm=np.array(kptlists[1]))
[docs] def append_from_dict(self,evals,label): import numpy as np "Get the energies from the different flavours given by the dict" evs=[[],[]] ef=None for ev in evals: occ=self.get_ev(ev,['e_occ','e_occupied']) if occ: ef=max(occ) vrt=self.get_ev(ev,['e_vrt','e_virt']) eigen=False if occ: eigen=occ if vrt: eigen=vrt if not eigen: eigen=self.get_ev(ev) if not occ and not vrt and eigen: ef=max(eigen) if not eigen: continue for i,e in enumerate(eigen): if e: evs[i].append(e) for i,energs in enumerate(evs): if len(energs)==0: continue self.append(np.array(energs),label=label,units='AU',norm=1.0-2.0*i) if ef: self.fermi_level(ef,units='AU')
[docs] def get_ev(self,ev,keys=None): "Get the correct list of the energies for this eigenvalue" res=False if keys is None: ener=ev.get('e') spin=ev.get('s') if ener and spin==1: res=[ener] elif ener and spin==-1: res=[None,ener] else: for k in keys: if k in ev: res=ev[k] if type(res) != type([]): res=[res] break return res
[docs] def append(self,energies,label=None,units='eV',norm=1.0): if type(norm)!=type(1.0) and len(norm)==0: return dos=self.conversion_factor(units)*energies self.ens.append({'dos':DiracSuperposition(dos,wgts=norm)}) lbl=label if label is not None else str(len(self.labels)+1) self.labels.append(lbl) #self.norms.append(norm) self.range=self._set_range()
[docs] def conversion_factor(self,units): if units == 'AU': fac = AU_eV elif units == 'eV': fac=1.0 else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized units ('+unit+')') return fac
[docs] def fermi_level(self,fermi_level,units='eV'): if fermi_level is not None: self.ef=fermi_level*self.conversion_factor(units)
def _set_range(self,npts=None): import numpy as np if npts is None: npts=self.npts e_min=1.e100 e_max=-1.e100 for dos in self.ens: mn,mx=dos['dos'].xlim e_min=min(e_min,mn) e_max=max(e_max,mx) return np.arange( e_min, e_max, (e_max-e_min)/npts )
[docs] def curve(self,dos,norm,sigma=None): import numpy as np if sigma is None: sigma=self.sigma nrm=np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi)*sigma/norm dos_g = [] for e_i in self.range: if len(dos.shape)==2: nkpt=dos.shape[0] value=0.0 for ikpt in range(nkpt): value+=np.sum(np.exp( - (e_i - dos[ikpt,:])**2 / (2.0 * sigma**2))/nrm[ikpt]) else: value=np.sum(np.exp( - (e_i - dos[:])**2 / (2.0 * sigma**2))/nrm) dos_g.append(value) #Append data corresponding to each energy grid return np.array(dos_g)
[docs] def dump(self,sigma=None): "For Gnuplot" if sigma is None: sigma=self.sigma #data=[self.curve(dos,norm=self.norms[i],sigma=sigma) for i,dos in enumerate(self.ens)] data=[ dos['dos'].curve(self.range,sigma=sigma)[1] for dos in self.ens] for i,e in enumerate(self.range): safe_print(e,' '.join(map(str,[d[i] for d in data])))
[docs] def plot(self,sigma=None,legend=True,xlmin=None,xlmax=None,ylmin=None,ylmax=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import Slider#, Button, RadioButtons import numpy if sigma is None: sigma=self.sigma self.fig, self.ax1 = plt.subplots() self.plotl=[] for i,dos in enumerate(self.ens): #self.plotl.append(self.ax1.plot(self.range,self.curve(dos,norm=self.norms[i],sigma=sigma),label=self.labels[i])) self.plotl.append(self.ax1.plot( *dos['dos'].curve(self.range,sigma=sigma),label=self.labels[i])) if xlmax is not None: plt.xlim(xmax = xlmax) if xlmin is not None: plt.xlim(xmin = xlmin) if ylmax is not None: plt.ylim(ymax = ylmax) if ylmin is not None: plt.ylim(ymin = ylmin) plt.xlabel('Energy [eV]', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('DoS', fontsize=18) if self.ef is not None: plt.axvline(self.ef,color='k',linestyle='--') #self.ax1.annotate('Fermi level', xy=(self.ef,2), # xytext=(self.ef, 10), # arrowprops=dict(facecolor='white', shrink=0.05), #) if len(self.labels) > 1 and legend: plt.legend(loc='best') axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' try: axsigma = plt.axes([0.2, 0.93, 0.65, 0.03], facecolor=axcolor) except: axsigma = plt.axes([0.2, 0.93, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) self.ssig = Slider(axsigma, 'Smearing', 0.0, 0.4, valinit=sigma) self.ssig.on_changed(self.update) if hasattr(self,'sdos') and self.sdos: self._set_sdos_selector() self._set_sdos()
def _set_sdos_selector(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import RadioButtons self.sdos_selector = RadioButtons( plt.axes([0.93, 0.05, 0.04, 0.11], axisbg='lightgoldenrodyellow'), ('x','y','z'),active=1) self.isdos=1 self.sdos_selector.on_clicked(self._update_sdos) def _set_sdos(self): import numpy xs=self.sdos[self.isdos]['coord'] self._set_sdos_sliders(numpy.min(xs),numpy.max(xs)) self._update_sdos(0.0) #fake value as it is unused def _sdos_curve(self,sdos,vmin,vmax): import numpy xs=self.sdos[self.isdos]['coord'] imin=numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(xs-vmin)) imax=numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(xs-vmax)) doslist=sdos[self.isdos]['doslist'] #norms=self.sdos[self.isdos]['norms'][ispin] tocurve=[0.0 for i in doslist[imin]] for d in doslist[imin:imax+1]: tocurve=[ t+dd for t,dd in zip(tocurve,d)] #tocurve=numpy.sum([ d[ispin] for d in doslist[imin:imax+1]],axis=0) return tocurve #float(len(xs))/float(imax+1-imin)*tocurve,norms def _update_sdos(self,val): isdos=self.isdos if val=='x': isdos=0 elif val == 'y': isdos=1 elif val == 'z': isdos=2 if isdos != self.isdos: self.isdos=isdos self._set_sdos() vmin,vmax=(s.val for s in self.ssdos) if vmax< vmin: self.ssdos[1].set_val(vmin) vmax=vmin if vmin > vmax: self.ssdos[0].set_val(vmax) vmin=vmax #now plot the sdos curve associated to the given value sig = self.ssig.val curves=[] for dos in self.ens: if 'sdos' not in dos: continue renorms=self._sdos_curve(dos['sdos'],vmin,vmax) curve=dos['dos'].curve(self.range,sigma=sig,wgts=renorms) curves.append(curve) if hasattr(self,'_sdos_plots'): for pl,curve in zip(self._sdos_plots,curves): pl[0].set_ydata(curve[1]) else: self._sdos_plots=[] for c in curves: self._sdos_plots.append( self.ax1.plot(*c,label='sdos')) self.ax1.relim() self.ax1.autoscale_view() self.fig.canvas.draw_idle() def _set_sdos_sliders(self,cmin,cmax): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import Slider#, Button, RadioButtons from futile.Figures import VertSlider if hasattr(self,'ssdos'): self.ssdos[0].ax.clear() self.ssdos[0].__init__(self.ssdos[0].ax, 'SDos', cmin, cmax, valinit=cmin) self.ssdos[1].ax.clear() self.ssdos[1].__init__(self.ssdos[1].ax, '', cmin, cmax, valinit=cmax) else: axcolor = 'red' axmin = plt.axes([0.93, 0.2, 0.02, 0.65], axisbg=axcolor) axmax = plt.axes([0.95, 0.2, 0.02, 0.65], axisbg=axcolor) self.ssdos = [ VertSlider(axmin, 'SDos', cmin, cmax, valinit=cmin), VertSlider(axmax, '', cmin, cmax, valinit=cmax)] self.ssdos[0].valtext.set_ha('right') self.ssdos[1].valtext.set_ha('left') self.ssdos[0].on_changed(self._update_sdos) self.ssdos[1].on_changed(self._update_sdos)
[docs] def update(self,val): sig = self.ssig.val for i,dos in enumerate(self.ens): self.plotl[i][0].set_ydata(dos['dos'].curve(self.range,sigma=sig)[1]) #self.plotl[i][0].set_ydata(self.curve(dos,norm=self.norms[i],sigma=sig)) self.ax1.relim() self.ax1.autoscale_view() self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
if __name__ == "__main__": import numpy as np energies=np.array([-0.815924953235059, -0.803163374736654, -0.780540200987971, -0.7508806541364, -0.723626807289917, -0.714924448617026, -0.710448085701742, -0.68799028016451, -0.67247569974853, -0.659038909236607, -0.625396293324399, -0.608009041659988, -0.565337910777367, -0.561250536074343, -0.551767438323268, -0.541295070404525, -0.532326667587434, -0.515961980147107, -0.474601108285518, -0.473408476151224, -0.46509070541069, -0.445709086452906, -0.433874403837837, -0.416121660651406, -0.407871082254237, -0.406123490618786, -0.403004188319382, -0.38974739285104, -0.380837488456638, -0.375163102271681, -0.375007771592681, -0.367898783582561, -0.367518948507212, -0.359401585874402, -0.358189406008502, -0.354517727598174, -0.334286389724978, -0.332921810616845, -0.315466259109401, -0.308028853904577, -0.29864142362141, -0.294024743731349, -0.292104129933301, -0.285165738729842, -0.28419932605141, -0.267399999874122, -0.259487769142101, -0.239899780812716, -0.224858003804207, -0.20448050758473, -0.164155133452971, -0.117617164459898, -0.0717938081884113, -0.0526986239898579, -0.0346031190163735, -0.0167949342608791, -0.0135168064347152, -0.0102971895842409, 0.00759271179427191, 0.00974950976249545, 0.010176021051287, 0.0217652761059223, 0.0239924727094222, 0.0413057846713024, 0.0422334333464529, 0.0459150454793617, 0.0517637894860314]) dos=DoS(energies,fermi_level=-0.1) dos.append(0.2+energies) dos.dump(sigma=0.01) dos.plot()