Source code for BigDFT.Fragments

This module is related to the usage of BigDFT with Fragment-related Quantities.
Input as well as Logfiles might be processed with the classes and methods provided by it.


from futile.Utils import write as safe_print
#: Conversion between Atomic Units and Bohr
AU_to_A = 0.52917721092
#: Conversion between Debye and Atomic units
Debye_to_AU = 0.393430307

MULTIPOLE_ANALYSIS_KEYS = ['q0', 'q1', 'q2', 'sigma']

[docs]class XYZfile(): """ .. |filename_docs| replace:: The file which will be created. If None, the file will be eventually dumped in :class:~`sys.stdout`. A class associated to a xyz input file as processed by BigDFT :param filename: |filename_docs| :type filename: string :param units: The units of measure of the positions. Allowed avlues are 'atomic' or 'angstroem' :type units: string """ def __init__(self, filename=None, units='atomic'): self.filename = filename self.lines = [] self.units = units self.fac = 1.0 if units == 'angstroem': self.fac = AU_to_A
[docs] def append(self, array, basename='', names=None, attributes=None): """ Add lines to the file position list :param array: list of the atomic positions :type array: list of float triples :param basename: base for the name of the atoms :type basename: string :param names: list of atom names. Will be appended to `basename` if the latter is present :type names: list of strings :param attributes: list of further attributes to be associated to each of the atoms. Will be serialized close to each of the atomic positions :type attributes: list of dictionaries """ nm = basename for i, r in enumerate(array): if names is not None: nm = basename + names[i] line = str(nm) for t in r: line += ' ' + str(self.fac * t) if attributes is not None: line += ' ' + str(attributes[i]) self.lines.append(line + '\n')
[docs] def dump(self, position='w'): """ Dump the file on the file system if filename has been provided, otherwise dump on sys.stdout. :param position: filename position statement. Only menaingful for a file dumping. :type position: char """ import sys f = sys.stdout if self.filename is not None: f = open(self.filename, position) f.write(str(len(self.lines)) + ' ' + str(self.units) + '\n') f.write('# xyz dump \n') # then the positions for l in self.lines: f.write(l) if self.filename is not None: f.close()
[docs]def open_xyz(filename, nat, unit, comment, position='a'): import sys f = sys.stdout if filename is not None: f = open(filename, position) if (position != 'a'): f.write(str(nat) + ' ' + str(unit) + '\n') f.write(comment + '\n') return f
[docs]def close_xyz(f, filename): if filename is not None: f.close()
[docs]def dump_xyz_positions(f, array, basename='', names=None): nm = basename for i, r in enumerate(array): if names is not None: nm = basename + names[i] f.write(str(nm) + ' ' + str(r[0]) + ' ' + str(r[1]) + ' ' + str(r[2]) + '\n')
[docs]def xyz_bc_spec(cell): """ Defines the specification for expressing the Boundary Conditions starting from a cell vector. :param cell: array of the (orthorhombic) cell. Should be 0.0 on directions with free BC. If None is given, the BC are assumed to be Free. :type cell: triple of floats or None :returns: comment Line of the xyz file specifying the bc :rtype: string """ if cell is None: return "" elif cell[1] == 0.0 and cell[2] != 0.0: return "surface " + str(cell[0]) + " 0.0 " + str(cell[2]) + " " elif cell[1] == 0.0 and cell[2] == 0.0: return "wire 0.0 0.0 " + cell[2] + " " else: return "periodic " + str(cell[0]) + " " + str(cell[1]) + " " + str(cell[2]) + " "
[docs]def dump_xyz(array, basename='', units='atomic', names=None, filename=None, position='a', comment=None, cell=None): """ Create a BigDFT xyz filename. Duplicates the meaning of the :class:`XYZfile` class. :param filename: |filename_docs| :type filename: string .. todo:: Remove the duplication of operations in favour or the class. Move the related operation into a lower-level module. """ cmt = xyz_bc_spec(cell) cmt += comment if comment is not None else '# xyz dump with basename "' + basename + '"' f = open_xyz(filename, len(array), units, cmt, position) dump_xyz_positions(f, array, basename=basename, names=names) close_xyz(f, filename)
[docs]class Lattice(): """ Defines the fundamental objects to deal with periodic systems """ def __init__(self, vectors): self.vectors = vectors
[docs] def grid(self, origin=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], extremes=None, radius=None): "produces a set of translation vectors from a given origin" import numpy as np transl = [] g = [[], [], []] # the grid of discrete translations if extremes is not None: # print extremes for i, d in enumerate(extremes): for k in range(d[0], d[1] + 1): g[i].append(k) # print g for i in g[0]: arri = np.array(self.vectors[0]) * i for j in g[1]: arrj = np.array(self.vectors[1]) * j + arri for k in g[2]: arrk = np.array(self.vectors[2]) * k + arrj vect = np.array(origin) + arrk app = True if radius is not None: app = np.linalg.norm(arrk) < radius if app: transl.append(vect) return transl
[docs]class RotoTranslation(): "Define a transformation which can be applied to a group of atoms" def __init__(self, pos1, pos2): try: import wahba self.R, self.t, self.J = wahba.rigid_transform_3D(pos1, pos2) except Exception(e): safe_print('Error', e) self.R, self.t, self.J = (None, None, 1.0e10)
[docs] def dot(self, pos): "Apply the rototranslations on the set of positions provided by pos" import wahba as w import numpy as np if self.t is None: res = w.apply_R(self.R, pos) elif self.R is None: res = w.apply_t(self.t, pos) else: res = w.apply_Rt(self.R, self.t, pos) return res
[docs] def invert(self): self.t = -self.t if self.R is not None: self.R = self.R.T
[docs]class Translation(RotoTranslation): def __init__(self, t): import numpy self.R = None self.t = numpy.mat(t).reshape(3, 1) self.J = 0.0
[docs]class Rotation(RotoTranslation): def __init__(self, R): self.t = None self.R = R self.J = 0.0
[docs]def GetSymbol(atom): """ Provide the key which contains the positions :param atom: the dictionary describing the atom :type atom: dictionary :returns: atom symbol :rtype: string """ ks = atom.keys() for k in ks: if k not in PROTECTED_KEYS and type(atom[k]) == type([]): if len(atom[k]) == 3: return k raise ValueError
[docs]def SetFragId(name, fragid): return name + ":" + str(fragid)
[docs]def GetFragTuple(id): temp = id.split(':') return (temp[0], int(temp[1]))
[docs]class Fragment(): """ Introduce the concept of fragment. This is a subportion of the system (it may also coincide with the system itself) that is made of atoms. Such fragment might have quantities associated to it, like its electrostatic multipoles (charge, dipole, etc.) and also geometrical information (center of mass, principla axis etc.). A Fragment might also be rototranslated and combined with other moieteies to form a :class:`System`. :param list-type atomlist: list of atomic dictionaries defining the fragment :param string id: label of the fragment :param string units: the units of the fragment, can be 'AU' or 'A' :Example: >>> f = Fragment(atomlist) #provide the list of atomic dictionaries >>> # or otherwise: >>> f = Fragment(units='A') #initialize the fragment >>> f.append(atom) #add an atom according to the f.append spec >>> ... # repeat that until the fragment is completed .. todo:: Define and describe if this API is also suitable for solid-state fragments """ def __init__(self, atomlist=None, id='Unknown', units='AU'): self.atoms = [] = self.set_id(id) self.purity_indicator = 0 self.to_AU = 1.0 if units == 'A': self.to_AU = 1.0 / AU_to_A self.allset = False if atomlist is not None: for i in atomlist: self.append(i) self.positions = self.__positions() # update positions self.allset = True # multipoles self.q0_val = None self.q1_val = None self.q2_val = None def __len__(self): return len(self.atoms) # def __str__(self): # import yaml # return yaml.dump({'positions': self.atoms,'Properties': {'name':}})
[docs] def set_id(self, id): = id
[docs] def set_purity_indicator(self, pi): self.purity_indicator = pi
[docs] def xyz(self, filename=None, units='atomic'): "Write the fragment positions in a xyz file" import numpy as np f = XYZfile(filename, units=units) names = [self.element(at) for at in self.atoms] posarr = [np.ravel(r) for r in self.positions] f.append(posarr, names=names) f.dump()
[docs] def get_posinp(self, units="AU"): """ Get a list of elements and positions describing this fragment that is suitable for putting in the posinp entry of an input file. Args: units (str): units to write """ outdict = {"positions":[]} for at in self.atoms: outdict["positions"].append({at["sym"]:at["r"]}) outdict["units"] = units return outdict
[docs] def dict(self): "Transform the fragment information into a dictionary ready to be put as external potential" lat = [] for at in self.atoms: dat = at.copy() dat['r'] = list(at[GetSymbol(at)]) dat['sym'] = self.element(at) # assume that the provided charge is always the net charge if 'nzion' in dat: dat.pop('nzion') # for the modification of the conventions for k in MULTIPOLE_ANALYSIS_KEYS: if k in at: dat[k] = list(at[k]) # .tolist() lat.append(dat) return lat
[docs] def append(self, atom=None, sym=None, positions=None): """ Include an atom in the fragment. :param dictionary atom: The dictionary of the atom. Should be provided in the yaml format of BigDFT atomic positions. :param string sym: The symbol of the atom. Need positions when specified. :param list positions: The atomic positions, given in fragment units. """ if atom is not None: self.atoms.append(atom) elif sym is not None: self.atoms.append({sym: positions}) if self.allset: self.positions = self.__positions() # update positions
[docs] def element(self, atom): "Provides the name of the element" el = GetSymbol(atom) if el == 'r': el = atom['sym'] return el
[docs] def rxyz(self, atom): import numpy as np k = GetSymbol(atom) return self.to_AU * np.array(atom[k])
def __positions(self): import numpy return numpy.mat([self.rxyz(at) for at in self.atoms])
[docs] def centroid(self): import numpy return numpy.ravel(numpy.mean(self.positions, axis=0))
[docs] def center_of_charge(self, zion): cc = 0.0 qtot = 0.0 for at in self.atoms: netcharge = at.get('q0')[0] sym = self.element(at) zcharge = zion[sym] elcharge = zcharge - netcharge cc += elcharge * self.rxyz(at) qtot += elcharge return cc / qtot
[docs] def transform(self, Rt): # R=None,t=None): "Apply a rototranslation of the fragment positions" import numpy as np self.positions = #import wahba as w,numpy as np # if t is None: # self.positions=w.apply_R(R,self.positions) # elif R is None: # self.positions=w.apply_t(t,self.positions) # else: # self.positions=w.apply_Rt(R,t,self.positions) # then replace the correct positions at the atoms for at, r in zip(self.atoms, self.positions): k = GetSymbol(at) at[k] = np.ravel(r).tolist()
# further treatments have to be added for the atomic multipoles # they should be transfomed accordingly, up the the dipoles at least
[docs] def line_up(self): "Align the principal axis of inertia of the fragments along the coordinate axis. Also shift the fragment such as its centroid is zero." import numpy Shift = Translation(self.centroid()) Shift.invert() self.transform(Shift) # now the centroid is zero I = self.ellipsoid() w, v = numpy.linalg.eig(I) Redress = Rotation(v.T) self.transform(Redress)
# now the principal axis of inertia are on the coordinate axis
[docs] def ellipsoid(self, center=0.0): import numpy as np I = np.mat(np.zeros(9).reshape(3, 3)) for at in self.atoms: rxyz = self.rxyz(at) - center I[0, 0] += rxyz[0]**2 # rxyz[1]**2+rxyz[2]**2 I[1, 1] += rxyz[1]**2 # rxyz[0]**2+rxyz[2]**2 I[2, 2] += rxyz[2]**2 # rxyz[1]**2+rxyz[0]**2 I[0, 1] += rxyz[1] * rxyz[0] I[1, 0] += rxyz[1] * rxyz[0] I[0, 2] += rxyz[2] * rxyz[0] I[2, 0] += rxyz[2] * rxyz[0] I[1, 2] += rxyz[2] * rxyz[1] I[2, 1] += rxyz[2] * rxyz[1] return I
[docs] def q0(self, atom): "Provides the charge of the atom" charge = atom.get('q0') if charge is not None: charge = charge[0] return charge
[docs] def q1(self, atom): "Provides the dipole of the atom" import numpy as np dipole = atom.get('q1') # they are (so far) always given in AU if dipole is not None: dipole = np.array([dipole[2], dipole[0], dipole[1]]) return dipole
[docs] def Q(self, atom=None, order=0): """ Fragment Monopole, when the information is available. If the ``set_fragment_multipoles`` routine has been called you can use this routine to get that information back out. For Q0 you can also compute for just a subset of the atoms. Args: atom (list): atoms to compute the charge from. order (integer): which multipole to return (0, 1, 2) Todo: WD: I'm not sure in which circumstances one would like to pass the atom list. Maybe we can remove that option? """ if order == 0: if atom == None and self.q0_val: return self.q0_val[0] # Otherwise we compute from the atoms. charge = 0 found = False for at in self.atoms: q0 = self.q0(at) if q0 is not None and (atom is None or self.element(at) == atom): found = True charge += q0 if found: return charge else: return None elif order == 1: return self.q1_val elif order == 2: return self.q2_val return None
[docs] def set_fragment_multipoles(self, q0, q1, q2): """ Set the multipoles associated with an entire fragment. Args: q0 (list): list of floats defining the 0th multipole. q1 (list): list of floats defining the 1st multipole. q2 (list): list of floats defining the 2nd multipole. """ self.q0_val = q0 self.q1_val = q1 self.q2_val = q2
[docs] def d0(self, center=None): "Fragment dipole, calculated only from the atomic charges" # one might added a treatment for non-neutral fragments # but if the center of charge is used the d0 value is zero import numpy as np if center is not None: cxyz = center else: cxyz = np.ravel(self.centroid()) d0 = np.zeros(3) found = False for at in self.atoms: if self.q0(at) is not None: found = True d0 += at['q0'][0] * (self.rxyz(at) - cxyz) if found: return d0 else: return None
[docs] def d1(self, center=None): "Fragment dipole including the atomic dipoles" import numpy as np d1 = np.zeros(3) dtot = self.d0(center) if dtot is None: return dtot found = False for at in self.atoms: q1 = self.q1(at) if q1 is not None: found = True d1 += q1 if found: return d1 + dtot else: return None
[docs]def CreateFragDict(start): frag_dict = {} for iat, atom in enumerate(start["positions"]): fragname, fragid = atom["frag"] if fragname in frag_dict: if fragid in frag_dict[fragname]: frag_dict[fragname][fragid].append(iat + 1) else: frag_dict[fragname][fragid] = [iat + 1] else: frag_dict[fragname] = {fragid: [iat + 1]} return frag_dict
[docs]def MergeFragmentsTogether(frag_dict, merge_list): import copy new_dict = copy.deepcopy(frag_dict) frag_list = [] for new_frag in merge_list: temp = [] tempstr = "" if len(new_frag) == 1: continue for target in new_frag: fragname, fragid = target temp += new_dict[fragname][fragid] new_dict[fragname].pop(fragid) tempstr += SetFragId(fragname, fragid) frag_list.append((tempstr, temp)) return new_dict, frag_list
[docs]def CreateFragList(frag_dict, merge_list=None): frag_list = [] if merge_list: new_dict, temp_list = MergeFragmentsTogether(frag_dict, merge_list) frag_list += temp_list else: new_dict = frag_dict for fragname in new_dict: for fragid in new_dict[fragname]: frag_list.append((SetFragId(fragname, fragid), new_dict[fragname][fragid])) return frag_list
[docs]class System(): """ A system is defined by a collection of Fragments. It might be given by one single fragment Args: mp_dict (dict): xyz (str): nat_reference (int): units (str): transformations (): reference_fragments (): posinp_dict (): frag_partition (list): A list of integers which define the partitioning of a system. For example, a system with fragments [a, b, c, d] will be split in to [[a], [b, c], [d]] if passed the following list: [1, 3, 5]. """ def __init__(self, mp_dict=None, xyz=None, nat_reference=None, units='AU', transformations=None, reference_fragments=None, posinp_dict=None, frag_partition=None): self.fragments = [] self.CMs = [] self._get_units(units) if xyz is not None: self.fill_from_xyz(xyz, nat_reference=nat_reference) if mp_dict is not None: self.fill_from_mp_dict(mp_dict, nat_reference=nat_reference, frag_partition=frag_partition) if transformations is not None: self.recompose(transformations, reference_fragments) if posinp_dict is not None: self.fill_from_posinp_dict(posinp_dict) def __len__(self): return sum([len(frag) for frag in self.fragments]) def _get_units(self, unt): self.units = unt if unt == 'angstroem' or unt == 'angstroemd0': self.units = 'A' elif unt == 'atomic' or unt == 'bohr' or unt == 'atomicd0' or unt == 'bohrd0': self.units = 'AU' def _bigdft_units(self): return 'angstroem' if self.units == 'A' else 'atomic'
[docs] def fill_from_xyz(self, file, nat_reference): "Import the fragment information from a xyz file" fil = open(file, 'r') nat = 0 iat = 0 frag = None iline=0 for l in fil: iline+=1 if iline == 2: continue try: pos = l.split() if len(pos) <= 2: # these are the number of atoms nt = int(pos[0]) nat -= nt if len(pos) == 2: unt = pos[1] self._get_units(unt) if frag is not None: self.append(frag) frag = Fragment(units=self.units) iat = 0 elif len(pos) > 0: # we should break the fragment, alternative strategy if nat_reference is not None and iat == nat_reference: if frag is not None: self.append(frag) frag = Fragment(units=self.units) iat = 0 frag.append({pos[0]: map(float, pos[1:])}) nat += 1 iat += 1 except Exception,e: safe_print('Warning, line not parsed: "', l, e, '"') if iat != 0: self.append(frag) # append the remaining fragment
def _build_partition(self, num_atoms, frag_size=None, frag_partition=None): """ This subroutine builds a list which describes how to partition a system into fragments. If both frag_partition and ``frag_size`` are given, than frag_partition is selected. Args: num_atoms (int): total number of atoms in this system. frag_size (int): for an even splitting, an integer describing the size of each partition. frag_partition (list): a list describing the partition. """ from copy import deepcopy partition = [] if frag_partition: partition = deepcopy(frag_partition) elif frag_size: partition = list(range(0, num_atoms, frag_size))[1:] partition.append(num_atoms) else: partition = [num_atoms] return partition
[docs] def fill_from_mp_dict(self, mpd, nat_reference=None, frag_partition=None): """ Fill the System from a dictionary of multipole coefficients mpd (dict) : multipole dictionary to build from. nat_reference (int) : specifies an even partitioning of the system. frag_partition (list): A list of integers which define the partitioning of a system. For example, a system with fragments [a, b, c, d] will be split in to [[a], [b, c], [d]] if passed the following list: [1, 3, 5]. """ partition_table = self._build_partition(len(mpd), nat_reference, frag_partition) frag = Fragment(units=self.units) for iat, at in enumerate(mpd): frag.append(at) if iat+1 in partition_table: if len(frag) != 0: self.append(frag) frag = Fragment(units=self.units)
[docs] def fill_from_posinp_dict(self, dct): frag_dict = CreateFragDict(dct) frag_list = CreateFragList(frag_dict) for frag in frag_list: fragtemp = Fragment(units=self.units) for iatom in frag[1]: at_dict = dct["positions"][iatom - 1] sym = GetSymbol(at_dict) rxyz = at_dict[sym] fragtemp.append({sym: rxyz}) fragtemp.set_id(frag[0]) self.append(fragtemp) pass
[docs] def xyz(self, filename=None, units='atomic'): import numpy as np f = XYZfile(filename, units) for i, frag in enumerate(self.fragments): names = [frag.element(at) for at in frag.atoms] posarr = [np.ravel(r) for r in frag.positions] f.append(posarr, names=names, attributes=[ {'frag': [, i + 1]}] * len(frag)) f.dump()
[docs] def write_fragfile(self, filename="log.yaml"): """ Create a fragment list file and write it to the disk. Args: filename (string): the name of the file to write to. """ import yaml # Form the list flist = [] ii = 1 for frag in self.fragments: flist.append([]) for i in range(ii, ii + len(frag.atoms)): flist[-1].append(i) ii = ii + len(frag.atoms) # Write to file with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(yaml.dump(flist))
[docs] def dict(self, filename=None): atoms = [] for f in self.fragments: atoms += f.dict() # if self.units != 'A': # print 'Dictionary version not available if the system is given in AU' # raise Exception dc = {'units': self._bigdft_units(), 'values': atoms} if hasattr(self,'Q'): dc['global monopole']=float(self.Q()) return dc
[docs] def append(self, frag): "Append a fragment to the System class" assert isinstance(frag, Fragment) self.fragments.append(frag) self.CMs.append(frag.centroid()) # update center of mass
[docs] def pop(self, ifrag): "Pop the fragment ifrag from the list of fragments" self.CMs.pop(ifrag) return self.fragments.pop(ifrag)
[docs] def centroid(self): "Center of mass of the system" import numpy return numpy.mean(self.CMs, axis=0)
[docs] def central_fragment(self): "Returns the fragment whose center of mass is closest to the centroid" import numpy as np return np.argmin([, dd.T) for dd in (self.CMs - self.centroid())])
# return self.fragments[imin]
[docs] def fragment_transformation(self, frag1, frag2): "returns the transformation among fragments if exists" return RotoTranslation(frag1.positions, frag2.positions)
# try: # import wahba # roto,translation,J=wahba.rigid_transform_3D(frag1.positions,frag2.positions) # except Exception,e: # print 'Error',e # roto,translation,J=(None,None,1.0e10) # return roto,translation,J
[docs] def decompose(self, reference_fragments): "Decompose the system into reference fragments" assert type(reference_fragments) == type([]) self.decomposition = [] for frag in self.fragments: transf = [] Js = [] for ref in reference_fragments: # r,t,j=self.fragment_transformation(ref,frag) RT = self.fragment_transformation(ref, frag) transf.append({'RT': RT}) # {'R':r,'t':t}) # Js.append(j) # choose the minimal one import numpy Jchosen = numpy.argmin([rt['RT'].J for rt in transf]) ref = transf[Jchosen] ref['ref'] = reference_fragments[Jchosen] # ref['J']=Js[Jchosen] ref['id'] = Jchosen self.decomposition.append(ref)
[docs] def recompose(self, transformations=None, reference_fragments=None): "Rebuild the system from a set of transformations" import copy import numpy as np if transformations is not None: RT = transformations self.decomposition = RT else: RT = self.decomposition self.fragments = [] self.CMs = [] self.templates = [] for item in RT: if reference_fragments: idf = item['id'] template = reference_fragments[idf] else: template = item['ref'] frag = copy.deepcopy(template) self.templates.append(template) # frag.transform(item['R'],item['t']) frag.transform(item['RT']) self.append(frag)
[docs] def Q(self): "Provides the global monopole of the system given as a sum of the monopoles of the atoms" if self.fragments is not None: return sum([f.Q() for f in self.fragments if hasattr(f,'Q') and f.Q() is not None]) else: return None
[docs] def fragdict(self): """ Provides the value of the dictionary fragment to be used for the inputfile in a fragment calculation """ refs = [] for t in self.templates: if t not in refs: refs.append(t) # generate the fragments id that have to be put into the input posinp allfrags = find_reference_fragment(refs, self.templates) fragdict = {} for t, r in zip(refs, allfrags): fragdict[] = r return fragdict
# create the directory of the template file
[docs]def prepare_fragment_inputs(name, directory='.', flavour='Isolated', system=None, template=None, template_dir=None, template_name=None): import shutil import os import yaml from futile.Utils import ensure_dir dirct = directory ensure_dir(dirct) posinp = name + '.xyz' if template is not None: input_dict = {'posinp': posinp, 'import': 'linear_laura'} if system is not None: input_dict['import'] = [ 'linear_laura', 'linear_fragments'] if flavour != 'Embedded' else 'linear_laura' input_dict['frag'] = system.fragdict() datadir = os.path.join(dirct, 'data-' + name) tempdatadir = 'data-' + template_name ensure_dir(datadir) datatemplate = os.path.join(datadir, tempdatadir) if flavour == 'Embedded': ensure_dir(datatemplate) elif not os.path.exists(datatemplate): os.symlink(os.path.abspath(os.path.join( template_dir, tempdatadir)), datatemplate) for ext in ['.xyz', '.yaml']: f = os.path.join(template_dir, template_name + ext) if os.path.exists(f): shutil.copyfile(src=f, dst=os.path.join( datadir, template_name + ext)) if dirct != '.': shutil.copyfile(src=posinp, dst=os.path.join(dirct, posinp)) f = open(os.path.join(dirct, name + '.yaml'), 'w') f.write(yaml.dump(input_dict)) f.close()
[docs]def find_reference_fragment(refs, transformed): """generate the list of fragments that are associates to a given list of templates""" import numpy as np where_for_frags = [] for r in refs: where_for_frags.append( [i + 1 for i, t in enumerate(transformed) if t == r]) return where_for_frags
[docs]def frag_average(ref, flist, clean_monopole=True): "Perform the average in attributes of the fragments provided by the list, with the position of the first fragment" import copy import numpy as np keys = ['q0', 'q1', 'q2'] navg = len(flist) if navg == 0: return ref favg = copy.deepcopy(ref) qtot = 0.0 for i, at in enumerate(favg.atoms): # form a fragment which has the positions of the references and # neutral total monopole if asked for. for k in keys: population = [f.atoms[i][k] for f in flist] vals = np.mean(population, axis=0) st = np.std(population, axis=0) at[k] = vals at['sigma' + k] = st # print 'test',k,np.max(abs(at['sigma'+k]/at[k])) qtot += at['q0'][0] qtot /= float(len(favg.atoms)) for at in favg.atoms: at['q0'][0] -= qtot # print 'retest',i,at return favg
[docs]def distance(i, j, cell=None): "Distance between fragments, defined as distance between center of mass" import numpy vec = i.centroid() - j.centroid() if cell: per = numpy.where(cell > 0.0) for i, p in enumerate(per): vec -= cell[i] * int(round(vec[i] / cell[i])) return numpy.sqrt(, vec.T))
[docs]def build_transformations(RTlist, ref): "Build the transformation list to be passed to the systems' creation via the transformation keyword" return [{'RT': RT, 'ref': ref} for RT in RTlist]
[docs]def wahba_fragment(frag1, frag2): "Solve the wahba's problem among fragments, deprecated routine" import wahba # should be cleaned # For each of the fragment build the list of the coordinates roto, translation, J = wahba.rigid_transform_3D( frag1.positions, frag2.positions) return roto, translation, J
[docs]def rotot_collection(ref_frag, lookup, fragments): "Deprecated routine, only for backward compatibility" W = [] for f in lookup: refF = lookup[ref_frag] roto, translation, J = wahba_fragment(fragments[f], fragments[refF]) if (J > 1.e-12): safe_print('Error', f, J, refF) # try with the second ref refF2 = lookup[ref_frag + 1] roto2, translation2, J2 = wahba_fragment( fragments[f], fragments[refF2]) # print 'Error Now',f,J2,refF2 if (J2 < J): roto = roto2 translation = translation2 J = J2 refF = refF2 W.append({'R': roto, 't': translation, 'J': J, 'ref': refF}) return W
if __name__ == '__main__': # extract fragments import sys import numpy one1 = System(xyz='') safe_print('Parsed', len(one1.fragments)) safe_print( two = System(xyz='', nat_reference=len(one1), units='A') two.decompose(one1.fragments) trans = two.decomposition PC1 = one1.fragments[0] safe_print('one', PC1.centroid()) for frag, t in zip(two.fragments, trans): safe_print('ff', frag.centroid()) safe_print('t', t['t']) safe_print('R', t['R']) safe_print(two.CMs) safe_print(trans) two2 = System(transformations=trans)'', units='angstroem') # now rigidify the big case scenario # read lattice coordinates fil = open('lattice.txt', 'r') acell = [eval(l.strip('\r\n')) for l in fil] latt = Lattice(acell) safe_print(latt.vectors) safe_print(0.5 * numpy.array(latt.vectors)) safe_print(two.CMs[1] - two.CMs[0]) # find the positions of the center of mass of the big system bigold = System(xyz='', nat_reference=36) icen = bigold.central_fragment() safe_print(icen, bigold.CMs[icen], bigold.CMs[icen - 1]) samples = [bigold.CMs[icen], bigold.CMs[icen - 1]] extremes = [[-5, 5], [-5, 5], [-1, 1]] grid = [] for oxyz in samples: # two.CMs: grid += latt.grid(extremes=extremes, origin=oxyz) # grid centroid cent = numpy.ravel(numpy.mean(numpy.mat(grid), axis=0)) trans = [] limit = len(grid) / len(two.CMs) for i, d in enumerate(grid): ref = two2.fragments[i / limit] if numpy.linalg.norm(d - cent) < 25.0: trans.append( {'t': numpy.mat(d).T / AU_to_A, 'ref': ref, 'R': None}) big = System(transformations=trans)'', units='angstroem') cents = XYZfile('', units='angstroem') cents.append(big.CMs, basename='Cen') cents.dump() icen = big.central_fragment() safe_print('the central fragment is', icen) # find the atoms iat = 0 for i, f in enumerate(big.fragments): if i == icen: safe_print('from', iat + 1) iat += len(f) if i == icen: safe_print('to', iat + 1) break exit(0) filename = sys.argv[1] limit = 36 # maximum value of each fragment fragments = [] # try to initialize with the class fil = open(filename, 'r') count = 0 nat = 0 iat = 0 frag = None for l in fil: count += 1 try: pos = l.split() if len(pos) == 1: # these are the number of atoms nt = int(pos[0]) nat -= nt if frag is not None: fragments.append(frag) frag = Fragment() iat = 0 elif len(pos) > 0: if iat == limit: # we should break the fragment, alternative strategy if frag is not None: fragments.append(frag) frag = Fragment() iat = 0 frag.append({pos[0]: map(float, pos[1:])}) nat += 1 iat += 1 except Exception(e): safe_print('error', l, e) break safe_print('calculation finished', len(fragments), 'balance', nat) # find the F4TCNQ F4TCNQs = [] PCs = [] CMs = [] # ordered center of mass for f, frag in enumerate(fragments): CMs.append(frag.centroid()) if len(frag) < 36: F4TCNQs.append(f) else: PCs.append(f) # find the central molecule centroid = numpy.mean(CMs, axis=0) safe_print('species identified:', len(F4TCNQs), 'F4TCNQ and', len(PCs), ' pentacenes, tot', len(fragments), len(CMs)) # now append the fragments to the System class stm = System(xyz=filename, nat_reference=36) safe_print(len(stm.fragments), 'before') for frag in fragments: stm.append(frag) safe_print(len(stm.fragments), 'after') safe_print(centroid, [i for i in CMs[0]], [ i for i in centroid], stm.centroid(), stm.central_fragment()) refF4 = 0 refPC = 0 # try: # icen=F4TCNQs.index(imin) # refF4=icen # except: # icen=PCs.index(imin) # refPC=icen # check if now all the atoms are the rototranslation of the same fragment and find the transformation W_F4 = rotot_collection(refF4, F4TCNQs, fragments) W_PEN = rotot_collection(refPC, PCs, fragments) # print CMs # search the NN of each of the F4TCNQs DFP = [] DFF = [] for f in F4TCNQs: DFP.append(numpy.array([distance(f, p) for p in PCs])) DFF.append(numpy.array([distance(f, p) for p in F4TCNQs])) # Then we can classify the attributes of each pentacene accordingly to the limiting distance threshold = 10.0 for i, f in enumerate(F4TCNQs): import yaml if (i == 0): safe_print(yaml.dump(fragments[f])) safe_print('test wahba') roto, translation, J = wahba_fragment(fragments[f], fragments[f]) safe_print(roto) safe_print(translation) safe_print('Rototranslation Error', J) iPC = 0 for dist in DFP[i]: if dist < threshold: iPC += 1 iFF = 0 for dist in DFF[i]: if dist < threshold and dist != 0: iFF += 1 safe_print(i, iFF, iPC)