Source code for BigDFT.InputActions

"""Actions to define on the Input parameters.

This module defines some of the most common actions that a BigDFT user might like to
perform on the input file. Such module therefore set some of the keys of the input
dictionary to the values needed to perform the operations.
Users might also inspire to the actions performed in order to customize the runs in a different way.
All the functions of this module have as first argument ``inp``, the dictionary of the input parameters.

Many other actions are available in BigDFT code. This module only regroups the most common.
Any of these functionalities might be removed from the input file by the :py:func:`remove` function.


   Any of the action of this module, including the :py:func:`remove` function, can be also applied
   to an instance of the :py:class:`BigDFT.Inputfiles.Inputfile` class, by removing the first argument (``inp``).
   This adds extra flexibility as the same method may be used to a dictionary instance or to a BigDFT input files.
   See the example :ref:`input_action_example`.


   Each of the actions here **must** have default value for the arguments (except the input dictionary ``inp``).
   This is needed for a good behaviour of the function `remove`.

.. autosummary::



from futile.Utils import dict_set

__set__ = dict_set
"""func: Action function.

This is the pointer to the set function, useful to modify the action with the undo method


def __undo__(inp,*subfields):
    Eliminate the last item of the subfields as provided to dict_set
    from futile.Utils import push_path
    #remove the last key until the parent is empty
    while len(subfields) > -lastkey and tmp=={}:
        lastkey -=1

[docs]def remove(inp,action): """Remove action from the input dictionary. Remove an action from the input file, thereby restoring the **default** value, as if the action were not specified. Args: inp (dict): dictionary to remove the action from. action (func): one of the actions of this module. It does not need to be specified before, in which case it produces no effect. Example: >>> from Calculators import SystemCalculator as C >>> code=C() >>> inp={} >>> set_xc(inp,'PBE') >>> write_orbitals_on_disk(inp) >>> # perform calculations >>> remove(write_orbitals_on_disk) #remove the action >>> read_orbitals_from_disk(inp) >>> #this will restart the SCF from the previous orbitals """ global __set__ __set__ = __undo__ action(inp) __set__ = dict_set
[docs]def set_hgrid(inp,hgrids=0.4): """ Set the wavelet grid spacing. Args: hgrid (float,list): list of the grid spacings in the three directions. It might also be a scalar, which implies the same spacing """ __set__(inp,'dft','hgrids',hgrids)
[docs]def set_rmult(inp,rmult=None,coarse=5.0,fine=8.0): """ Set the wavelet grid extension by modifying the multiplicative radii. Args: rmult (float,list): list of two values that have to be used for the coarse and the fine resolution grid. It may also be a scalar. coarse (float): if the argument ``rmult`` is not provided it sets the coarse radius multiplier fine (float): if the argument ``rmult`` is not provided it sets the fine radius multiplier """ rmlt=[coarse,fine] if rmult is None else rmult __set__(inp,'dft','rmult',rmlt)
[docs]def set_symmetry(inp,yes=True): """ Set the symmetry detection for the charge density and the ionic forces and stressdef set_symmetry(inp,yes=True): Args: yes (bool): If ``False`` the symmetry detection is disabled """ __set__(inp,'dft','disablesym', not yes)
[docs]def set_linear_scaling(inp): """ Activates the linear scaling mode """ newid='linear' previous_ipid=inp.get('dft','False') if previous_ipid: previous_ipid=inp.get('inputpsiid','False') if previous_ipid == 2: newid=102 __set__(inp,'dft','inputpsiid',newid)
[docs]def set_mesh_sizes(inp,ngrids=64): """ Constrain the number of grid points in each direction. This is useful when performing periodic system calculations with variable cells which need to be compared each other. In this way the number of degrees of freedom is kept constant throughout the various simuilations. Args: ngrids (int,list): list of the number of mesh points in each direction. Might be a scalar. """ __set__(inp,'dft','ngrids',ngrids)
[docs]def spin_polarize(inp,mpol=1): """ Add a collinear spin polarization to the system. Arguments: mpol (int): spin polarization in Bohr magneton units. """ __set__(inp,'dft','nspin',2) __set__(inp,'dft','mpol',mpol)
[docs]def charge(inp,charge=-1): """ Charge the system Arguments: charge (int,float): value of the charge in units of *e* (the electron has charge -1). Also accept floating point numbers. """ __set__(inp,'dft','qcharge',charge)
[docs]def apply_electric_field(inp,elecfield=[0,0,1.e-3]): """ Apply an external electric field on the system Args: electric (list, float): Values of the Electric Field in the three directions. Might also be a scalar. """ __set__(inp,'dft','elecfield',[ e for e in elecfield])
[docs]def charge_and_polarize(inp): """ Charge the system by removing one electron. Assume that the original system is closed shell, thus polarize. """ charge(inp,charge=1) spin_polarize(inp,mpol=1)
[docs]def set_SCF_method(inp,method='dirmin',mixing_on='density',mixing_scheme='Pulay'): """ Set the algorithm for SCF. Args: method (str): The algoritm chosen. Might be different for the cubic (CS) or linear scaling (LS) algorithm. * dirmin: Direct minimization approach (valid both to LS and CS) * mixing: Mixing scheme (only CS) * foe: Fermi Operator Expansion (only LS) * pexsi: Pole EXpansion and Selected Inversion method (only LS, require PEXSI compilation) * diag: Explicit diagonalization (only LS, for validation purposes) mixing_on (str): May be ``"density"`` or ``"potential"`` in the ``"mixing"`` case, decide to which quantity the mixing to be performed mixing_scheme (str): May be: * Pulay : DIIS mixing on the last 7 iterations * Simple: Simple mixing * Anderson: Anderson scheme * Anderson2: Anderson scheme based on the two pervious iterations * CG: Conjugate Gradient based on the minimum of the energy with respect of the potential Warning: Only the FOE method exhibit asymptotic linear scaling regime. Todo: Check if the linear scaling case needs another input variable for the mixing of the potential (density) """ method.upper() if method != 'MIXING': __set__(inp,'lin_kernel','linear_method',method) if method=='DIRMIN': __set__(inp,'mix','iscf',0) return iscf=0 if mixing_on == 'density': iscf+=10 if mixing_scheme == 'Pulay': iscf+=7 if mixing_scheme == 'Anderson': iscf+=3 if mixing_scheme == 'Anderson2': iscf+=4 if mixing_scheme == 'Simple': iscf+=2 if mixing_scheme == 'CG': iscf+=5 __set__(inp,'mix','iscf',iscf)
[docs]def add_empty_SCF_orbitals(inp,norbs=10): """ Insert ``norbs`` empty orbitals in the SCF procedure Args: norbs (int): Number of empty orbitals Warning: In linear scaling case, this is only meaningful for the direct minimization approach. """ __set__(inp,'mix','norbsempty',norbs) __set__(inp,'lin_general','extra_states',norbs)
[docs]def write_cubefiles_around_fermi_level(inp,nplot=1): """ Writes the ``nplot`` orbitals around the fermi level in cube format Args: nplot (int): the number of orbitals to print around the fermi level. Warning: This is presently meaningful only for a empty states calculation. Warning: This would work only for the cubic scaling code at present. """ __set__(inp,'dft','nplot',nplot)
[docs]def write_orbitals_on_disk(inp,format='binary'): """ Set the code to write the orbitals on disk in the provided format Args: format (str): The format to write the orbitals with. Accepts the strings: * 'binary' * 'text' * 'etsf' (requires etsf-io enabled) Todo: Verify if this option works for a linear scaling calulation. """ fmt=format __set__(inp,'output','orbitals',fmt)
[docs]def write_support_functions_on_disk(inp,format='binary',matrices=True,coefficients=False): pass
[docs]def write_support_function_matrices(inp,): """ Write the matrices of the linear scaling formats. """ pass
[docs]def set_atomic_positions(inp,posinp=None): """ Insert the atomic positions as a part of the input dictionary """ __set__(inp,'posinp',posinp)
[docs]def read_orbitals_from_disk(inp): """ Read the orbitals from data directory, if available """ newid=2 previous_ipid=inp.get('dft','False') if previous_ipid: previous_ipid=inp.get('inputpsiid','False') if previous_ipid == 'linear' or previous_id==100: newid=102 __set__(inp,'dft','inputpsiid',102)
[docs]def set_random_inputguess(inp): """ Input orbitals are initialized as random coefficients """ __set__(inp,'dft','inputpsiid',-2)
[docs]def set_electronic_temperature(inp,kT=1.e-3,T=0): """ Define the electronic temperature, in AU (``kT``) or K (``T``) """ TtokT=8.617343e-5/27.21138505 tel= TtoKT*T if T != 0 else kT __set__(inp,'mix','tel',tel)
[docs]def optimize_geometry(inp,method='FIRE',nsteps=50): """ Optimize the geometry of the system Args: nsteps (int): maximum number of atomic steps. method (str): Geometry optimizer. Available keys: * SDCG: A combination of Steepest Descent and Conjugate Gradient * VSSD: Variable Stepsize Steepest Descent method * LBFGS: Limited-memory BFGS * BFGS: Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno * PBFGS: Same as BFGS with an initial Hessian obtained from a force field * DIIS: Direct inversion of iterative subspace * FIRE: Fast Inertial Relaxation Engine as described by Bitzek et al. * SBFGS: SQNM minimizer, keyword deprecated, will be replaced by SQNM in future release * SQNM: Stabilized quasi-Newton minimzer """ __set__(inp,'geopt','method',method) __set__(inp,'geopt','ncount_cluster_x',nsteps)
[docs]def set_xc(inp,xc='PBE'): """ Set the exchange and correlation approximation Args: xc (str): the Acronym of the XC approximation Todo: Insert the XC codes corresponding to ``libXC`` conventions """ __set__(inp,'dft','ixc',xc)
[docs]def write_density_on_disk(inp): """ Write the charge density on the disk after the last SCF convergence """ __set__(inp,'dft','output_denspot',21)
[docs]def use_gpu_acceleration(inp): """ Employ gpu acceleration when available, for convolutions and Fock operator Todo: Verify what happens when only one of the functionality is enabled at compile-time """ __set__(inp,'perf','accel','OCLGPU') __set__(inp,'psolver','setup','accel','CUDA')
[docs]def change_data_directory(inp,name=''): """ Modify the name of the ``data-`` directory. Useful to grab the orbitals from another directory than the run name """ __set__(inp,'radical',name)
[docs]def calculate_tddft_coupling_matrix(inp,tda=False,rpa=True,fxc=True): """ Perform a casida TDDFT coupling matrix extraction. Args: tda (bool): when ``True``, Tamm-Dancoff approximation is used for the extraction of the coupling matrix rpa (bool): when ``False``, the calculation of the RPA term (the linear response of the hartree potential) is switched off fxc (bool): when ``False``, the calculation of the fxc term (the linear response of the XC operator) is switched off. Note: The arguments ``fxc`` and ``rpa`` should not be simultaneously ``False``. Warning: Presently the LR-TDDFT casida fxc is only available for LDA functionals in ABINIT flavour. """ approach='TDA' if tda else 'full' __set__(inp,'tddft','tddft_approach',approach) if rpa and fxc: output='complete' elif rpa: output='rpa' else: output='fxc' __set__(inp,'output','coupling_matrix',output)
[docs]def extract_virtual_states(inp,nvirt,davidson=False): """ Extract a given number of empty states **after** the scf cycle. Args: davidson (bool): If set to ``True`` activates davidson calculation, otherwise Trace Minimization of the Hamiltonian is employed. """ nv=nvirt if davidson else -nvirt __set__(inp,'dft','norbv',nv) __set__(inp,'dft','nvirt',nvirt) __set__(inp,'dft','itermax_virt',150)
[docs]def connect_run_data(inp,log=None): """ Associate the data of the run of a given logfile to the input by retrieving the data directory name of the logfile. Args: log (Logfile): instance of a Logfile class """ if log is None: change_data_directory(inp) #no effect else: ll=log if len(log)==0 else log[0] change_data_directory(inp,ll.log['radical'])
[docs]def calculate_dipole(inp): """ Extract the dipole momenet from the total charge density. Note: This function is useful for the linear scaling setup as the cubic scaling approach always calculates the charge density multipoles. """ __set__(inp,'lin_general','calc_dipole',True)